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Showing posts from September, 2024

Should I Chat with an AI? S4 EP3

YouTube Link: Link on YouTube Spotify Link: Link on Spotify Benvenuti, Bienvenue, Bienvenidos, Croeso and Welcome. Hi, I’m Juliet. Join me on my language learning journey and discover my thoughts on different aspects of language learning with the A Language Learning Tale Podcast. Today I’m talking about… Should I Chat with an AI? Using AI in language learning is all the rage right now. How do you feel about that? In general, I dislike the use of AI in creative pursuits, because one, it’s been trained on the work of artists, writers, composers, lyricists, I’m sure there are others, who spent a lot of time creating something that people would want to buy. Oh, yes, photographers and videographers, as well. All this without their permission or any compensation, although there are some moves to change that. However, there are many uses of AI that will actually enhance lives. In medicine, for example. Languages might also be one of those uses, because learning a language, ingesting a languag

Am I Getting My Languages in a Muddle? S4 EP2

YouTube Link: Link for YouTube Spotify Link:  Link for Spotify Benvenuti, Bienvenue, Bienvenidos, Croeso and Welcome. Hi, I’m Juliet. Join me on my language learning journey and discover my thoughts on different aspects of language learning with the A Language Learning Tale Podcast. Today I’m talking about… Am I getting my languages in a muddle? As some of you will know, I recently refreshed my Spanish, which I learnt in my youth, using Italian. In other words, going from Italian to Spanish. I did this to try to force myself to keep the two languages apart, which worked quite well whilst learning, but how’s that going now? Is Spanish creeping into my Italian writing? Um … well, yes and no. When I started learning Italian, there were always some words that bled in from my Spanish, even though I hadn’t used it for many, many years. Mismo was one, meaning same, instead of stesso, and I really had to make an effort to expunge that and I did. Unfortunately, it is rearing its ugly head again

The Art of Language Invention (Book) S4 EP1

Listen on YouTube: YouTube Link Listen on Spotify: Spotify Link Benvenuti, Bienvenue, Bienvenidos, Croeso and Welcome. Hi, I’m Juliet. Join me on my language learning journey and discover my thoughts on different aspects of language learning with the A Language Learning Tale Podcast. Before we get started, I just wanted to give an update on how this podcast will be going forward. There will still be seasons of 3 months, but within those seasons, the episodes will only appear every other week. So, there will be most likely 7 episodes per season. This will allow me more time for research, where necessary, to tackle some more detailed topics. Okay, let’s get into it. Today I’m talking about… The Art of Language Invention: From Horse-Lords to Dark Elves, the Words Behind World-Building, written and narrated by David J Peterson The author of this book creates fictional languages (Game of Thrones, anyone?) and this book is an attempt to put down in writing all their knowledge on the subject.